
Tuesday 15 March 2011

Self Reflection on Japan Earthquake & Tsunami

First and foremost, I will like to send my condolence to those who have lost friends or relatives in the Japan Earthquake and Tsunami on 11 March 2011.

Over the last 4 days, I have been constantly popping by the TV, the computer and even on mobile to track the latest development on the aftermath of Japan Earthquake and Tsunami. The Japan Tsunami's scenes of the rushing water engulfing everything on its path really reminds me of the Indonesia's Sumatra Tsunami in 26 Dec 2004.
2011 has just started and we have yet to cross the quarter, we already have a few earthquakes,(Christchurch, New Zealand, 22 Feb 2011, China Yunnan Earthquake, 11 March 2011) and major flood in Queensland, Australia. Many life are lost and massive destruction to property and economic suffering to many others.

This morning, I have heard the news reporting Fukushima Daiichi Plant, Reactor 2 of has exploded in the morning and Reactor 4 is on fire. The leaking nuclear radiation if not contained, will add more miserably to the million of Japanese's well being, life hood and economy already caused by the Earthquake and Tsunami.  The neighboring country like China, Russia, Korea and even Chinese Taiwan will be affected.

Photographs from Kyodo/Reuters via Alterenergy HQ

These events has keep me ponder what is the definition of life? In eastern cultural, we are taught to work hard and achieve the max in life. The events unfold take me to re look into life. Life is not just about earning more money, more time at work, achieve more and the worldly comfort. It just take a event like this, even a well prepared and high tech country like Japan wasn't prepare for something like this. A rock and wash and everything you accumulated through hard work and sweat just swept away.

It goes with a old saying, "You don't bring anything (worldly) when you are born and you aren't taking anything away when you leave." What that you left for this world, is your footprint, your smile, your happiness, your work for the generation to remember.

Photograph taken from

Videos channeling from the news, many may see despairs and the devastation. What i see is the resilience, the calm and the love of life from the Japanese. They are without food, water and shelter, yet they help each other, queue up orderly, polite and even help others when themselves have some little to spare. I can foresee nation will raise again no matter the scale of problems they are facing today. They see Hope.

Reflecting back at myself, i search the reasons of setting up this blog, which is to help many others to gain or lose weight to maintain a healthy lifestyle. I am seeing the urge to share more about the stories of success weight management and my experiences to more people. I also urge those who find my blog interesting please spread to others and benefiting others.

Last but not least, Australians, Chinese, Japaneses & New Zealanders stay strong!

Make a Donation to Japanese Earthquake & Tsunami Relief

Teddy Bear Lim